Blog 5: My future job

Hello, today I'm going to talk about my future work.

     It's hard for me to write about this because I don't usually plan many things. When I plan something important it usually has unfavorable results, unlike other times when my plans are more vague or I have no plans, and the results are favorable. 

     I am currently studying Psychology, but to say that I will be a psychologist is too broad, I will try to narrow it down. At the University of Chile there are about 5 to 7 areas in which we can specialize in psychology, I have more moved closer to the field of Experimental Psychology and Neurosciences and the area of legal Psychology, I am trying to specialize more in the latter (and in therapy), I hope to be able to apply and generate knowledge of scientific psychology in the field of the legal. but saying "I'll be a legal psychologist" is still too broad.

     There are several places and areas in which a Legal Psychologist can act, these areas vary from country to country, and from time to time. My interest is closer to the area of forensic psychology, which is an auxiliary area of expertise to law (eg. Psychological expert's report), and penitentiary psychology which is an area of specialization that is in charge of issues concerning persons deprived of liberty (eg. social reintegration, psychological evaluation of prisoners, rehabilitation in the social environment). Although I must admit that there are other areas that attract my attention, such as legal psychology in criminal investigation that works with the police (eg. forensic psychological reconstruction) or the legal psychology of the victim (eg. Psychological reconstruction, crisis intervention, prevention in the victimization etc...) and others.

     This is the only thing I know about my future job, I do not know more specific aspects such as salary, I know that I will be able to live well, and that with my ability to save money I will be able to distribute my earnings well. I don't think I have a lot of business travel, but maybe I'll attend some conferences on these topics to keep up with new research. I think my job would involve as field work and office work, I just hope that I can make my time compatible between work, my family (if I have one) and my hobbies without dying in the attempt.

I leave you with a curious fact linked to the psychology of consciousness in the field of law:

Did you know that... 
Dr William Moulton Marston was the inventor of the (first functional) lie detector. He also invented a cartoon character that fought crime: Wonder Woman. Remember the golden lasso that makes you tell the truth?
PD: The biographical film of Marston W. M. "Professor Martson and the Wonder Woman" talks about it.


  1. I never knew that about Wonder Woman :O

  2. It's very interesting what you want to work on, especially in psychology in criminal investigation that works with the police

  3. You could be like James Gordon in Gotham ! jajaja


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